BucketEnglish Meaning
A vessel that is open at the topEnglish Synonyms
Scuttle, pitcher, vesselHindi Synonyms
बाल्टी (Baalti), बालटी (Baalati), डोल (Dol)Usage
a roughly cylindrical open container, typically made of metal or plastic, with a handle, used to hold and carry liquids or other material.Example
Marwari - डोल्चु में पाणी पड्यो है; हापड़ी लेजेTransliteration - Dolchu mein paani padyo hai, haapdi leje
English - There's water in the bucket; take a bath.
Hindi - बाल्टी में पानी रखा हुआ है; स्नान कर लेना