हुणो (To Sleep)


To Sleep

English Meaning

a condition of body and mind which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.

English Synonyms

be asleep, doze, rest, take a siesta, nap, take a nap, catnap, drowse; More

Hindi Synonyms

नींद, निद्रा, शयन


be in a state of sleep


Marwari - खूब देर वेई गी हैं, पट पट हुई जा
English - It's too late; go to sleep quicky.
Hindi - बहोत देर हो चुकी हैं, जल्दी-जल्दी सो जा

Dhap deyine (धप देयिने)


All of a sudden

English Meaning

in an instant, straight away, at once, all at once, quickly and unexpectedly

English Synonyms

immediately, instantaneously, instantly,promptly, abruptly, in a trice, swiftly

Hindi Synonyms

अचानक, सहसा, एकाएक, अनायास, यकायक, अकस्मात


To denote something that occurs abruptly


Marwari - जुई दरवाजो खुलियो, वो 'धप देयिने' मयीने आई गयो
English - As soon as the door opened, he come in 'immediately'.
Hindi - जैसे ही दरवाज़ा खुला, वो अचानक अन्दर आ गया

Marwari - वो मने खूब तंग करीरो हेतो; अणा वास्ते, मैं वंने 'धप देयिने' रेपट मेल दिदी
English - He was troubling me a lot; so I 'straight away' slapped him.
Hindi - वो मुझे बहोत तंग कर रहा था; इसलिये मैंने उसे सहसा थप्पड़ मार दी

Aithwado (ऐठ्वाडो)


leftover of food

English Meaning

The remnants of food that is leftover, or uneaten.

English Synonyms

leftover, remnants, uneaten food

Hindi Synonyms

झूठा खाना, अवशेष, अंतिमांश


To denote uneaten or pickings of the food


Marwari - आपाणे कदीईस ऐठ्वाड़ो नी छोड़नो सावे
English - We must never leave food remnants
Hindi - हमे कभी भी झूठा खाना नहीं छोडना चाहिए

Marwari - ऐठ्वाडो छोड़वाऊं पाप लागे
English - Leaving food remnants is a sin.
Hindi - खाना झूठा छोड़ने से पाप लगता हैं

Dhumbaalyo ( धुम्बाल्यो)


Small Stool

English Meaning

a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at

English Synonyms

stool, table, tea top

Hindi Synonyms

तालिका, मेज़, पटल


To Denote a common noun for a small table to sit upon


Marwari - वो धुम्बाल्यो लेइन आ
English - Bring that small stool over here
Hindi - वो छोटा मेज़ यहाँ लेकर आओ